So Blogger officially sucked yesterday. They were down all day until a couple of hours ago today, and lost my post from yesterday. Not sure if I will end up re-writing it, so frustrating. Oh well. On a HAPPY NOTE I have an announcement! This next week I am going to be featuring different bloggers, all from good ol’ AZ. Some will be DIY design bloggers, some fashion, some mommy. Figured we could all use a little exposure to some rad people, right!? I am so excited about this, and i’m also excited for whats to come the next week after! Get ready to meet some amazing women, friends! Have a great weekend!

I am so excited to read this series! I am located in Arizona as well and have recently met a few fellow Arizona gal bloggers. Looking forward to it!
Hooray for rad AZ bloggers! Can’t wait to see the series!
turn up the rad blog
turn up the rad creative