Yesterday we showed you how we put together a gallery wall {here}, and here she is: {side note- I realize that I make every project, item, etc. into a boy or girl, hope i’m being fair about how many girls as opposed to guys I have going on!}
The only bad thing about trying to photograph this wall is:
- I’m a terrible photographer
- It’s physically impossible to be able to get a straight shot of the full wall
- I guess thats two reasons, but both are valid!
I can’t decide on what my favorite part of the wall is, but I think the fish-eye mirror is a close winner!
You ready for the best part of the project? The whole wall cost us about $50 {most of which went to the fisheye mirror and the vintage frame that has the three smaller photos in it}. That includes all the frames, paint, mirrors, printing of photos..EVERYTHING! I think we did pretty good! All of the frames and mirrors were either from Savers, Goodwill, estate sales, or auctions. Its the way to go people!
What do you think? Does it motivate you to do your own? I hope so! And if you do, share your link so we can all check it out!
PS- I linked this up with my favorite parties!

Ooh, I love it. We are working on one for my sisters place. I can’t wait to do it.
LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVE it!! My favorite thing is the convex mirror too, I love them. I have one in my dining room, I think they’re so fun. Great project, thanks! ๐
It looks awesome! I’m inspired:)
looks great. i love the pop of yellow in the L. great job.
Please come to SD and help me with our house. Your wall looks awesome!! You are so talented ๐
That looks amazing! I love it. Great job.
love that, adrianne!
I really like the white/ bw photos monochromatic look! I did a gallery wall with empty frames. ๐
L love it, love it, love it. Especially the yellow!
This seriously looks amazing! You guys are so talented ๐
I love it! I really like that pop of yellow too!
Really love this, makes me want to do my own! The L, is my favorite ๐
Looks great! I love that you have frames around frames and that pop of color! Well done!
So pretty, I love it. I am not usually restrained enough to do all white projects, but when ever I see someone else do it, I love it. Well done.
Dannyelle @
Looks great! Thank you for the inspiration for my hallway. What is on the opposite wall, if there is one? Just curious, b/c my hall is two-sided and I am having a hard time with it. Thanks!
So beautiful!! I love the one pop of color. Gives it a little sense of whimsy.
I shared it on my TT&J facebook page ๐
I need to see more of that exposed brick wall! Divine!
I love it. I just did mine. I kinda wish I had seen yours first! ๐
It is dah-ling! ๐ It is so perfect! I need a wall like this in my home! It would work really great in a nursery as well…hmmm…I might have to do just that!
Thanks guys!! if you haven’t done this, and are debating- just go for it! its easy and fun!
Lauren- girl- you do not need help!!!! you are moreeee than fine on your own:)
Paige- the other wall is super tiny because there is a door on it, so nothing other than a light. I would have loved if the hallway was wider, and we had more space on the other wall. Frames on both sides looks great I think. Good luck friend!
Jen- THANK you so much for sharing that. You are awesome!
Mrs. R- thanks! Its all in our kitchen, go check it out. We are obsessed with it!!
Highheels- definitiely so good for a nursery. Photos of you and your hubby as babies, your baby, etc. Ugh- i wish!! hah!
I love all the white…and that fisheye mirror…to.die.for!
My house if full of gallery walls…4 complete and one on the way!!
I’m over at
Stop on by!
Why yes!! I AM motivated:)!! Very nicely done….beautiful!!
HoH thinks you are fantastic!
I’ve featured you at this weeks link party.
Stop by and grab a button. You so deserve it!
Allison @ House of Hepworths
Wow, I came over from Allison’s and love what you have done!
The fish eye mirror is so cool!
Art by Karena
Come and enter my New Giveaway from Serena & Lily! You will love it!
I just L O V E it!!! Beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
I love it! I will definately be using your wall as inspiration for my own. I had been back and forth on to paint my frames black or white…you sold me on all white!
Love the gallery wall and all the white frames. I love how you painted your federal style mirror white, too. I have one and now it makes me want to paint it. Decisions, decisions! Thanks for sharing. Beautiful work!
Wow! Your gallery wall looks fabulous! I’m your newest follower. Wondering if you could share the color of the paint (on the wall). It’s beautiful. I’m dying to know because I’m trying to find the right color for my entryway and had something like this in mind. Could I ask you, pretty please, to drop me a comment at my blog with the name of the color? Thanks!
Holy Macaroni! That looks beautiful! Come do my big blank wall in my house?
Oh my goodness! I LOVE this! Awesome job! :0)
That fish eye mirror is such a treasure, eh. Love the white background and the photos. Simple, neat and lovely!
Cathy@The Craft of Embroidery Digitizing As a Home Business