Let me introduce you to an incredibly talented AZ blogger, Christa. She writes a freaking fantastic DIY/furniture repurposing blog called:
DBD- How did you get started with blogging/business?
I started blogging a year ago, when I decided to turn my hobby of repurposing furniture into a side business. I needed something to keep me busy on my days off work – all my kids were in school full time, and my husband, who had always worked from home, took a job outside the home. Blogging and refinishing became a great outlet for me.
DBD- What are your main sources for inspiration?
I love perusing many blogs for inspiration, but there are two I could never do without: {Show & Tell}, and European Paint Finishes, whom I have had the pleasure of corresponding with since “meeting” through our blogs. I love both of their unique styles, and recently had the opportunity to meet Mike and Keeley from European Paint Finishes over dinner. We asked them to partner with us in writing my ebook, and we will be getting started soon. I’m very excited to work with them.
***How random we also love EPF and we actually bought our first dining room table, chairs, and hutch from them, they inspired us to starting painting furniture as well****
DBD- What are the two most favorite projects you’ve done?
I really love the washer/dryer stand my husband and I built. It looks nice, and is so functional.
I also really enjoyed painting this dresser because it was very unique and a one of a kind piece, fit for a little princess.
DBD- What do you think is the new ‘hot’ thing in design right now?
I see a lot of clean, modern spaces with interesting patterns and pops of bright colors. Adding touches of the unexpected, such as mixing in a vintage piece that has been given a fresh coat of white paint or a bolder color creates a unique space, as well.
DBD- What is one thing you could not live without?
Well, my family, of course! But, pertaining to my business I would have to say my paint sprayer. I love it!
Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions Christa! Its so amazing to see a little ‘hobby’ of yours turn into such a great business! Now, if you haven’t yet, make sure you go pop on over to Stories of a House and see all the inspiring projects! And make sure to check back in tomorrow to see who’s next:)

i love christa! she is one of my all time faves… down to earth, sweet, and wields a magical paint brush!
Thanks so much for asking me to guest post today, and Cassie, you are the sweetest and one of MY all time faves!
I, too, heart Christa! I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her a couple of times in person, and she’s even more warm and gracious IRL. Love that girl! I’m also a fellow AZ blogger! Always great to meet some of the same!
I love Christa’s blog and she’s been very sweet to me. I’m still in the “reader” phase …haven’t started my blog yet but I always look forward to popping by Chrita’s blog and seeing what item she has transformed into a work of art. She went out of her way to help me locate a fabric awhile back and I thought that was very kind! Her princess dresser is one of my favorites!
Nice stuff! In this interview, who is doing the interview? Is it you? I wasn’t sure who DBB was, and if you meant DBD or maybe someone else was interviewing. Just was curious on the source.
Yay! I love that yall love her as well!!! Nice to meet you Ann Marie! I wish I would’ve known about you before so I could have included you in this series as well!
Allison, it is always nice when people go out of their way! Way to go Christa!!
Julie- OMGGGGGGG. This just made me die laughing! DBB is me, and I am an idiot! I just had to go and correct every single stupid DBB that I wrote. Good catch friend, and thank you! haha!
Love the idea of having storage like that in the laundry room!
A Candid Life
hey that ideas are really cool by me.. hmm