This summer I had such mixed feelings. I was enjoying the time with my babies so much, but I selfishly was also ready for them to be in school. Isn’t motherhood a funny thing though? Because this morning is the first morning of school, and I literally have been sitting here for an hour just looking at photos of them. Crying tears over how fast time is going. Missing them. Praying that I am being a good mom. A mom full of grace, patience, compassion, and love. I know I have good days as a mama, but I also have those bad days. Days where I am not nearly as patient and I would like to be. Where my voice goes to a level that it shouldn’t. And I just want to take those days back. I don’t want to be ‘the best’ mom, I want to be THE BEST mom for MY babies. It can be hard for all parents to be certain that they are doing everything they can for their children, they want to make sure that no matter what they are attending to their children’s needs, inside and outside of education. Whether that is helping them with their schoolwork by introducing them to games like Tiny Fishing and Science quizzes or giving them a ‘social life’ so they can adjust to their surroundings and be with their peers. Good parents will always second guess themselves as they want to give their children the world twice over.
Here are some of my {non-education related} goals for them this school year:
-learn to be a better listener
-learn to not get as frustrated and emotional at not getting his way
-continue being amazing at making new friends
-develop some ‘real’ friendships over time
-continue to be his wild self, but learn how to control himself when needed
-learn how to take constructive criticism better
-make some new, yet deeper, friendships
-gain more confidence in himself, esp as his speech improves
-have a great relationship with his teacher

sweet class with their hands behind their backs. this was approx 5 min in to their day, and the teacher already has them all listening SO well!
and for myself-
-to have more patience daily {take the time away from them to MISS them and be eager to see them}
-to have a desire to do more ‘learning’ at home, but in fun ways
-to be even more intentional about building them up as the incredible individuals they are
-to just love the heck out of them {thats an easy one}
Now can we just weep together at how much this boy has grown?!? Same spot for photos each year, but definitely taken with a phone this year. Who has got time for a real camera these days?!
My boys, my loves. You both are SO incredible.
Winston, you are strong and opinionated-may you develop that to being a strong leader. You are kind and tender-may you continue to grow that so you are always a good friend. You are wild and full of energy-may you funnel that in to being a creative and bold adult.
Bray, you are caring and loving-may you always continue that no matter how big you get. You are detailed and a good listener-may you be blessed by that in all the talents you have. You are a creative soul-may you dream big and follow your own path, wherever it may lead