Yesterday, all day {other than running to Target and SAS Fabric} I cleaned. I cleaned the normal stuff I do, then all, and I mean all the extras that rarely get done. Are any of you like me, and get to cleaning something that you haven’t in ever far too long, and instantly get embarrassed/disgusted that you let it get that bad?! That was me cleaning our wood blinds. Sometimes life gets in the way and you forget to clean certain areas, even areas that you see/are on every day, it happens! I’m only human! Makes me glad that I can contact services like carpet cleaning Houston, but ones in my area, so I can get those (big) jobs done that I have completely forgotten!
I can very embarrassingly say that I don’t think I’ve cleaned them for well over a YEAR. A year people…that’s sick. It even crossed my mind to hire Tucson maid service or similar others in my neighborhood. However, I decided to do it myself since I had some extra time on my hands. Oh well, now they’re done ๐ I’ve also been looking at the carpets and wondering when the last time they had a proper deep clean was. I dread to think how much grime is hiding in them. If, like me, your carpets are making you shudder, I recommend looking at carpet cleaning in Lexington or carpet cleaning somewhere closer to home to find a professional cleaning service to really suck all of that hidden dirt up. Then I won’t feel so grossed out walking on my own floors.
I promise this post isn’t just to tell y’all about my nasty little secrets, its also to tell you about an amazing tip I learned and used yesterday. When it came time to polish the dining room table, buffet, and other wood furniture, I realized we were all out of our Method Wood Polish. That is our normal go to product, but I was not about to go out in 100+ degrees for it. So instead I googled how to make it at home. I came up on a lot of recipes, but the one I ended up using was from Re-Nest. I modified it a little by adding 2 more Tablespoons of oil than it called for, and I went off of a readers comment and used Grapeseed oil instead of EVOO.

It worked SO so great! it polised the furniture better than any product I have ever seen, and smelt natural and clean. Funny random note was that the dogs LOVED it. They seriously followed me around the house trying to lick it all off. Kind of annoying, kind of adorable!
Anyways, I hope you guys use this tip soon, because it will now be my go-to for wood polish. Happy hump day!

I NEVER would have thought to look up a homemade recipe for this! And it was so simple! You might just be a genius ๐