I don’t know how your morning started out, but mine was rough. We had been up for approximately two hours and Winston had already been sent to his room five times. Yes, you read that right, FIVE times. Tuesdays are always the most chaotic morning of the week. And it seems that no matter how much I try and prepare for them the night before, they always still manage to be crazy.
As a mom, wife, business owner, friend, etc. I can often find myself thinking that I am not balancing it all well. I get down on myself for not spending enough time with my children one day, and then the next day it’s about my hubby, and the next about the business. I hate to admit it but I think I spent more of my time thinking about my business than I did focusing on anything else. Whether I’m worried about my social media following or my general sales – my mind is on the business side of my life. After reading some terrible customer testimonials about the Instagram services I had considered using for my online platform, I have felt paranoid about how to keep my online presence a popular one. Other business owners know how hard starting a business can be, especially in its earliest stages, and there were just so many questions and problems to resolve, like do i need to file a confirmation statement with the relevant people detailing the company’s relevant members or not? Most of this stuff I had never heard of before so I had to spend more time than I would’ve liked trying to get everything in order. I felt guilty that I was neglecting my role as a wife and mother. I want to excel at every single thing I do. I want to give ALL of it my ALL.
And there was a time when I thought about setting up my business from home on a full-time basis. That way, I could spend more time with my loved ones, as well as focusing on my business when I had a couple of minute’s peace. Whilst this sounded exciting to me, I knew that it would be a lot of work. There were just so many things to think about, like whether I was going to keep all of my employees, how I was going to cope, and whether I needed to look for a registered office address from somewhere like yourvirtualofficelondon.co.uk so I didn’t have to use my personal one. I knew that I needed to provide an address because it is a legal requirement to do so, and as you can imagine, the list does go on. I then decided that I had to continue with my current routine for now, whilst giving it everything I had.
So when Winston was having his fifth melt down, and I simply wanted crawl back in to bed and not face the day anymore, I was thankful to have something keep repeating in my head. I had read a great devotional my sweet friend Hadley sent me right when I woke up this morning. This is a little clip from it:
“Was I going to believe God and begin seeing myself as God saw me, or was I going to continue believing the lies of the enemy and the echoes of my past? Was I going to remain stuck in a stagnant faith because I was too insecure to take a step toward the abundant life Jesus had promised, or was I going to march confidently around the walls of my inadequacies until they came tumbling down?
Finally I prayed, Dear God, I’m going to believe who You say I am. I don’t feel it. I can barely think it. But I’m going to believe Your Word is true for me and about me.”
Did you see that last part? I AM GOING TO BELIEVE WHO YOU SAY I AM.
I am not a hot mess. I am not a cluster. I am not a failure. I am not less than.
I am the daughter to a King. I am chosen. I am DEARLY loved. I am holy. I have the mind of Christ. I can do ALL things through Christ.
So friends, I want to encourage you today. If you are feeling inadequate, overwhelmed, less than…know you are NOT. You are MORE than enough. You CAN do anything. You are free. You are worthy.
What a beautiful thing Christ can do. He can turn my imperfect self into someone he sees as whole. I am forever grateful.

Very nice, Adrianne, and very meaningful. i wish everyone could internalize this as you did.
Thank you uncle johnny!
Beautiful post. What I needed to hear this morning.
Aw. Thank you Peggy!