It turned fall overnight here in Phoenix and I couldn’t be more happy. It was so beautiful, and chilly, and rainy yesterday, that it inspired me to make a scarf. I wanted to make one that could be super multi wearing. I have a love for infinity scarves, but sometimes they make me feel like I can only do a few styles with them. This scarf needed to have a simple cut inorder for me to do with it what I wanted. I went to SAS and got 2 yards of this fabric for only $3! I love the grey and white together, and I love stripes even more, so it was a homerun in the fabric department.
To cut out the scarf I made it as incredibly easy as it can be. I took an infinity scarf that I liked the width of, and used that as my guide for this scarf.
I think it is so fun to be able to tie scarves in a million and one ways, or 37 ways like this site does!
I’ll show you a few of my most favorite ways here:
The double loop is my most favorite way. And a fun way to change out the look is by adding a flower pin {or the extra easy way of adding a hair piece flower!}
Up next, the pull through knot:
Now, the loose wrap, self explanatory:

Super cute! I love scarves and stripes as well. Thanks for posting the tutorial. 🙂
Adorable! Will pin this into “Crafts to make me feel guilty” 🙂
LOL you’re too funny! And not creepy at all 😛 We love seeing your smiling face AND awesome scarves folding ways 🙂
I love this post. I also love seeing all the different ways to fold this scarf! Great Job! 🙂
Wish I looked good in a scarf! That might sound odd, WHO doesn’t look good in s scarf? Me, that’s who, Things high up around my neck just don’t suit my face shape, or SOMETHING, never quite figured it out, but my face shape looks soooo much better when you can see my neck . .. I don’t do turtle necks or any kind of top with a high neck at all. I need a v or a scoop, I shall just have to admire others being all stylish, and even more ridiculously stylish when you make the scarf yourself!
I love these variations…it is definitely scarf weather!
Darling! And I’m so excited for scarf weather!
You are a very pretty girl, and you have modeled the different ways to wear a scarf very well, don’t feel shy about it.
I love all of the ways, some i had not heard of, thank you for doing this. I found your blog over at Rhoda’s blog and I LOVE your style, it is SO gorgeous!!!
Hugs, Cindy
Very cute! And I love your shirt! Can I ask where you found it?
Just found your blog and am enjoying it a lot. Really like how you all did you kitchen- so clean-
[email protected]
Thanks! Glad you found us!! I got the shirt at urban outfitters-but it was about 2 years ago! Hope that helps some:)
I like pull through knot.
thanks susan!