And were back at it again with another Monday Tip, todays is all about the easiest way to clean up a paint tray. I hope you all had an incredible weekend! Jeremy actually had to work this weekend, so thats always a bummer- but we still managed to squeeze in some family time and friend time.
I don’t know about you, but painting a room in my mind is not always the most fun of projects. Yes, paint can drastically change a room, and fast- so thats always exciting. But, painting takes time, and patience, which is why I wanted to show you guys a tip today that will at least help a little bit with the patience and time it takes! How many times have you been so annoyed at the end of painting because now you have to spend a good chunk of time cleaning out the paint tray, or times that you just gave up and tossed it- to only have to buy yet another tray when the next paint project comes along?! This tip couldn’t be easier, and you will love it!
All you do is simply put the tray in a big trash bag and tie it shut. Pour your paint in and roll like you would normally.
When it comes time to be done, simply turn the bag inside out, and tie it shut.
Thats that! Your try looks good as new with not a drop of paint on it. You have no paint on your hands, in your sink, etc. You can also now use the bag and cover your lid while hammering it shut. This makes it so that none of that annoying paint that we all inevitably get in the rim splatters on you!
Done and done. Your tray is clean, your paint can is shut, and you remain spotless!
Thats the DIY tip for this Monday. Hope it helps you out on your next painting project!

Oh this one is a game changer! One of my favorite tricks too!
just throwing it out there but we actually started using Glad Press and Seal wrap. So it lines the entire paint tray and then you just peel it off and throw it away! I was tired of the bag sometimes sticking on the paint roller…. so just something we started using! =)
Very excited to try this . Thanks for sharing.