Hi friends!
So if you follow us on Instagram you know that we are under some SERIOUS construction right now. From big things, such as getting our roof looked at (if you’re looking at roofing company options, get it from here), to cleaning our patio and outdoor space – it’s been non-stop! We thought that we might as well do it all in one go, so the transformation is amazing. However, it is a constant pit of dirt and nails and paint. I’m currently looking at some of the skip bins sutherland shire has available so that I can at least clear some of the waste. I’m so fed up with tripping over rubble! We have been doing this since November, so while it has not been fun at all- IT WILL BE WORTH IT!
One of the things {haha quite literally the only ONE thing} that has been completed during this is our kitchen cabinet makeover. We have been in this home for 5 years now and when we moved in we had the whole kitchen redone, we had new sinks, a dishwasher, in fact, a whole new plumbing system which we did with the help of companies like https://paladinplumbing.com/, of course! Then we went with custom cabinets and used a company that we thought was good. They did white cabinets for us, and while I fully anticipated the white getting dirty, I did NOT anticipate the chipping that happened.
Im talking, within a month of being in the house, the paint was chipping, especially under the sink area. The company just said I must be getting too much water on them. Also, that chipping is ‘totally normal and just part of having painted cabinets’. Well, they lied. Turns out they never primed the cabinets AT ALL. Literally just slapped some paint on them. So ya, they looked like junk 5 years later even with me keeping up with keeping them dry and clean.
So, now that we HAD to redo them because of a leak, and the chipping everywherrrreeee, Jeremy finally got his dream of grey cabinets! I think it would be fair to say that he was very excited about this prospect, and I was too because it meant that we could say goodbye to our broken cabinets and replace them with new and improved versions. Maybe we’ll enlist the help of somewhere like this kitchen cabinets richmond va company to help ensure that they look as good as they can because I would hate for them to break again, especially as we’re going through all this time and effort to try and remodel the room.
I just can’t wait to see how it will turn out.
Because the previous ones were white, we had chrome hardware on them. Chrome and grey paint don’t go together, so we swapped it out for brass. And I have to admit it, I actually like it. I am FULLY drawn to all things white. White and bright is my motto. But the grey looks good! AND will look even better once we paint ALL our walls white this summer:)
We also changed the hood in the makeover. The shiplap top and woodplank bottom look so so so good with the subway tile below!
{picture all white walls above. the two tones of grey kill me now, but I know it will be all good soon!}
Our guy Edgar who does all the cabinets in our flips is awesome. We know his work, know it handles kids and water and life, lol, so I am SO happy to now have cabinets that won’t look like junk in a hot minute! We went with the color Silver Polish from Dunn Edwards.
Hope you guys like them! Its a fun change for the eyes.
But now, well now I cannnnottt wait to get this whole renovation done and get started on our Pantry and Dropzone! SO many good projects in the pipeline!

I love the gray! The color is so soft. It looks beautiful with your countertops. And I’m having sink envy.