Hi there sweet friends! I recently made a video for the huge Oil Discussion group I am a part of, and I wanted to share it here.
I know every girl (and guy) wants to have beautiful skin, and I know that most of us are willing to do just about anything to accomplish that. For instance, a good friend of mine has recently been trying out a few of the different Skin Treatments Mooresville medical spas have to offer.
There are so many different ways to tackle skincare issues nowadays. Whether you are struggling with wrinkles, acne, or dry skin, there are so many amazing treatments from skin tightening injections to Private label Immune Softgels that can help. Ultimately, it is all about doing plenty of research so that you can find the right skin care solutions for your needs.
Of course, that being said, there is no denying that, alongside cosmetic treatments, the skincare products that we use can also have a huge impact on our skin. By choosing the right products for you, maybe even private label skin care, you will feel more confident in your own skin and be proud to go make-up free. For years I used skincare that was chock-full of some serious chemicals because I thought that was the only way I could get good clear skin. Oh man, I was so wrong! I now tend to gravitate more towards natural products such as a simply naked beauty product for one example as I have more knowledge of all of the ingredients that are used in beauty products.
I have been an esthetician for about 7 years now, and am so thankful for the education I have from that. So when Young Living sent out a free ART skincare system in the promo they were running back in May, I was excited to try it out for free.
Now, three months in, my skin honestly looks better than it ever has- and its by using this beautiful non-toxic system! Heck yes!!
If you guys have any questions about this, feel free to comment or send me an email by going to the Contact page. I am so passionate about it, and would love to help all of my friends to transition from some pretty scary products to this.

Thank you so much for sharing this video. I have just started using the YL skincare. I ended up buying the orange blossom cleanser because some people said that is better with acne prone skin. I have been using it for 3 weeks and so far so good, my skin seems to be happy. I am wondering if I should purchase the art one the next time? I also have the art toner and have been using that only at night, sounds like I should be using it in the morning too? I haven’t bought the moisturizer yet, I was going to buy the sandalwood cream but it sounds like the art moisturizer would be a better fit for acne prone and oily skin? Sorry for so many questions….. ๐
I was using the Rodan and Fields products but I looked them up on think dirty and that confirmed that I needed to switch. I have two chronic illnesses and I am so careful about what I put in my body but that’s all for nothing if I am using toxic chemicals on my skin. Also my dad was playing with my phone one day and was quite alarmed to find the think dirty app………lol ๐