Guess what house has all the drywall up?! The Guest House! We got to go check it out yesterday and oh my gosh it is looking so good and SO different. I love doing these flips, but I love it, even more, when the walls and rooms change shape a ton- and this home does not disappoint! Others … [Read more...]
Willow Home Flip Befores
Finally getting around to show you guys our other home going right now!! Only a month late:) This Willow home is so fun, with a ton of different character than we are used to! Curved hallways and entryways all around, exposed brick, it's all pretty fun! We were lucky that the roof on the property … [Read more...]
Ready For Another One?
I am so excited to show you guys this home, this dirty {filthy really}, needing serious work, home. It is one of the dirtiest homes I have ever been in, and these photos are after it was pretty cleaned up! Are you ready??? A real show stopper right?! Ok but the worse off we are in the … [Read more...]
Double Dormer Exterior Reveal
I can't believe it! This is the very final post about Double Dormer flip!!! This has been so much fun walking through this home {and well- every flip we do!} with you guys, and even Periscoping about it {find me at @Dreambookdesign}. The exterior of this home was the first thing that I fell in … [Read more...]
Double Dormer Master Suite Reveal
I am so excited to show you guys the Master Suite of our Double Dormer flip today. I haven't intentionally drawn out this flip for so long, so i'm sorry about that! I will finish this week off with the Exterior, and then thats it! The Master in the Double Dormer is freaking massive, so its really … [Read more...]
Double Dormer Pantry
Today is all about the Pantry of Double Dormer! This room was not exactly easy to photograph, partly because half the room isn't yet being used fully yet {no washer and dryer}! But I still wanted to fill y'all in on the fun details of it. Before we started work on the house the pantry didn't … [Read more...]
Double Dormer Kitchen Reveal
The most important part of a home to us is the kitchen! Hands down! Whenever I plan a kitchen renovation Montreal, I ALWAYS make sure I go over every inch of the plans to ensure the end result is perfect. While a beautiful Master suite, and great living room are fantastic to have, the kitchen is the … [Read more...]
Double Dormer Dining Room
The Dining Room of Double Dormer is done and so beautiful! To refresh your memory a little bit, here is how it started when we first bought the home: There used to be kitchen cabinets that wrapped around and created a little desk space, along with a lot of upper cabinets making the room feel … [Read more...]