That picture right there is what I would love to portray our transition to three has been like, when in reality- this one below is probably more appropriate:
Haha, but really, I just wanted to pop in and let y’all know we are alive and well, but just crazy. No one told me that going to three kids was going to be so nuts {well really, some did, BUT NOT ALL.} Why didn’t you ALL tell me it was going to be bananas?!
You see, Georgia is a little angel baby. While she still isn’t sleeping through the night, and she still spits up a ton, those things aside- she is literally the best baby ever. Always happy, smiling, giggling, easily entertained, loves her family, etc.
Her brothers are the best entertainment she could ask for, and baby girl is STRAIGHT up obsessed with her dada. Like, when he enters a room her eyes NEVER leave him. And she will just stare at him smiling till he looks back, and then she smiles with her entire face. She is a joy bringer. Truly.
And the boys, well they are pretty dang amazing with her. They are amazing boys in general. Braylen is still his loving and kind self. He is for sure transitioning in to more 5 year old tendencies {you know what i’m talking about right? the look at me- watch me- look at me syndrome} but still couldn’t be more of a lover.
Winston is still his normal stubborn, strong willed, yet sweet self. That kid will run this country some day. He pushes my buttons hourly, but yet I am still weak to him!
Here’s the deal though. This transition has been tough. I feel like we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel- praise Jesus. But something I have learned in a hard way about myself is that I don’t thrive in chaos. I know some people do, but not me. I thrive is peace. And let’s be real, there ain’t nothin’ peaceful about a house full of three kids. They are my joys, but they also are young kids- which brings a lack of sleep, stress, etc. At first I found it difficult to cope with the lack of sleep, after a point I could not fall asleep even if I found the time! One of the moms in our circle shared her secret with me: she sometimes uses cannabis, which really helps relieve her stress and also helps her fall asleep faster. She even showed me some glass bongs for sale and gave me instructions on how to use them! Can you imagine? Maybe I’ll go over to her place one day and try it out, but nothing at my house right now! Of course, there is peace sometimes. For example, when the baby is asleep and the two boys are concentrating on video games, the house is pretty much quiet and relaxing. I was talking to my friend about this and she suggested that I consider downloading some more games for them to play on their computer. She said that I could Download EarthBound ROM, for example, on the computer to occupy them for a while. Apparently, there are lots of games online that can be downloaded for kids to play. Maybe we’ll look into them to keep the two boys busy.
Sometimes I find myself wondering why I am losing my patience, and then being really hard on myself about it. But I also have to remember to take it all moment to moment. To stop trying to evaluate the day based on some of the harder moments. To give me grace. Grace upon grace. I know the Lord made me the mama of these three angels for a reason, and I just pray daily that I can do a good job. To LOVE them, to care for them, to protect them, to help them grow, to allow them to make mistakes and be there with open arms, to encourage them to chase their dreams, to love and accept them no matter what. Because at the end of the day, I am doing the best I can, and I just pray that that is enough.
photos by Melissa Young

My prayers are with you, I too have 3 and it was a HARD transition. My oldest two are not quite 14 months apart and my third came along 2.5 years after our middle one.
Breath, pray, sing praise songs and know that the chaos won’t last forever, (even though it feels like it).
My babies are 18, 17, and 14 now, the oldest leaves for college in the fall, what?!?
Know you are not alone and doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing, loving your babies.