Two nights ago it was actually nice enough out to eat dinner outside. Yes, you read that right, Phoenix wasn’t miserably hot for a night! And it got me thinking, Fall justttt might be right around the corner. I freakin’ love Fall, for many reasons, but one is the fashion.
Fashion can differ from person to person. For some, it might be about getting a new butterfly tattoo (maybe something similar to one from 40 Beautiful Butterfly Tattoo Ideas for Women) or other body modification methods like getting a nose piercing. For me, it is about formal comfort clothes!
Fall is all about layering, warm colors, chunky sweaters, etc. and I love everything about it.
Now don’t get me wrong, I do get fully dressed some days, but most days I am in some sort of workout clothes, comfy clothes, or basics like jeans and a tee. Obviously pregnancy has taken my effort of dressing cute down a lot, esp. since I barely have things that fit these days- but I have high hopes.
Plus, I always try to make an effort with my accessories. To be honest I have had my eyes on a gorgeous Gucci handbag for some time now. Every time I walk past it in the Gucci store in the mall I cannot help but stop and take in all the details. I just wish I could afford to make it mine!
That being said, a friend of mine told me that if you like designer bags, then there are some brilliant replicas out there. There is no shame in wanting to look good on a budget after all! She told me with regards to Gucci fake bags, purses, and wallets are relatively easy to find online. I might have to take a look to see if I can find a replica Gucci bag similar to the one that I like most…
What are some of your favorite Gucci pieces? Their handbags are definitely some of the most iconic fashion pieces out there at the moment. Women all over the world pine after Gucci bags, and I am certainly one of them.
Anyway, I am hoping that once I have this sweet little girl, that I will miraculously find some energy to be able to together an outfit thats more than yoga pants and tees. Even if its an outfit thats more toned down, like these two:
But then I think to myself, what is the reality of it? I have tons of cute clothes, and yet I almost always reach for comfy and easy. And I don’t even get why, since almost all of my clothes are comfy in general. So why don’t I spend the extra two minutes and put together something cute rather than just yoga pants and a tee?!
Heres my question: for all you mamas- esp. ones that do wear more than the ‘mom uniform’, what motivates you best to spend those extra two minutes? Or what are your Fall staples that make throwing together a cute outfit super easy?

You inspired me to order a new pair of black booties!
yay! at least one of us will be stylish for sure this fall:)
I wear dresses everyday. It’s one piece to put together instead of two, it’s more comfortable and less constricting than any kind of pants (even leggings!) and it immediately elevates you to a new level of dressy-ness/put-together-ness wothout any extra thought or consideration. I bought a darling pair of booties at Marshalls that even takes some of my summer dresses into fall. I don’t go expensive – old navy, target, Marshalls but they all have great finds. And aside from the occasional time my 2yr old has stuck her arms up them in public (?!?!!), they’re totally doable with kids (as long as they’re not super short so you can still bend over easily). but if I had two kids and soon to be a third, I would prob spend my fall in my husband’s sweats and tshirts and use any extra energy dressing my daughter in cute dresses instead 😉 you’re a rockstar!
haha i love this! and heck yes to dresses!!!!!! and booties! oh gosh i cant wait for it to be cool enough outside for those things!