Ah, the final post on Winstons new closet. This closet that makes me jealous that it belongs to my 1 year old, and not me:) We were so amazed by how this closet came together so easily. We started by getting a Martha Stewart closet kit from Home Depot, and went from there.
I was so glad to see this closet transform. It has held our most used tools for a long time, and never came even close to being cleaned;)
Once we got the kit, it probably only took us an hour to get the entire thing installed. I am telling you, these closet kits are the way to go! You can totally customize a million of the aspects of it, so it doesn’t feel like a big box item anymore. We were able to change the shelving height, and even move the bars to different spots than normal. The DIY barn doors were obviously an added fun element, as were the DIY Industrial Pipe Door Handles, but we love it all! Here it is once we got it all up!
Yes, I am beyond weird and have every closet in our house organized by color. I don’t know what that says about my brain and train of thinking, but it drives me NUTS when a closet isn’t color coded. And a month later, his shoes are still in the exact organized position. That for sure won’t last once he starts wearing them all the time, but for now we only have one shoe that fits him perfectly- so the rest can just sit and look cute;)
The drawers in this closet hold so much as well. Between those and the drawers to his Campaign dresser, we are more than set. I even have room to store extra diapers and wipes in them. Livin’ the dream baby;)
I am so excited that this project is finished, because that means that Winstons room is basically FINISHED! It only took a year;) But hey- rooms in our home are never truly finished.

Wow! The start and finish are so different; that is a closet most adults would envy. Hope he loves it!
Thanks! It really is a great closet!