After years of never really having a flow to our bedroom at all, we finally have it ‘somewhat’ finished. It all started with the bedding really. Want to get inspired by some trending bedding ideas? Check out the bamboo sheets on this site. There still needs to be a lot of artwork added, lamps to be changed, etc. but for now-it makes us happy! Another change that we want to make but you won’t be able to see is getting a new mattress. Ours is a standard spring mattress and so we’re looking for the best memory foam mattress that’s within our price range. Like I said before, you won’t be able to see the change but I’ll be sure to write a review for whichever mattress we choose to get in the future! Back to the makeover, we ended up DIYing our tufted headboard, pillows, drum shades, and painting our nightstands. We are so happy that all of the projects and materials used in this makeover were super cheap! Even though we made our own decorative pillows, the same can’t be said for the pillows that we lay our heads on at night. We thought that we would buy some new ones, especially seeing as we were giving our entire bedroom a makeover. Pillow review sites can help you buy the right ones and we decided to follow this advice when the time came for us to change our own. I’m glad that we decided to do some research on this beforehand as it has allowed us to get the ones that would help us get a good night’s sleep in our freshly designed room. If you’re wanting to add an extra personal touch to your room, purchasing a custom photo blanket with which ever cherished memory you’d like to have being wrapped around you as you sleep is an excellent way to do so.
Without further ado, here it is:
The duvet cover is from Targets Room Essentials brand {which means its dirt cheap compared to other brands!}. I specifically got this duvet cover because I knew I wanted white, but I also knew that with having the dogs on the bed it would get dirty really fast {I know, I know, we swore we would never be people that let their dogs on the bed, and we totally do now!!}. I am kind of a neat freak about washing our sheets and duvet covers anyways, so I figured I should get the cheapest one possible, that way if it doesn’t hold up well to my weekly {sometimes every other week} washings, then after 6 months, I can get another one and not freak out. After all, $25 bones for a cover is nothing.The bedskirt is from the same brand. J and I haven’t had a bedskirt ever together! Our old bed had a huge footboard, which was nice to have for awhile, but then we just realized how much room it took up in the bedroom, and decided just having the bedframe was the way to go for us.
I still have my dresser in the room that I got at an Estate sale a year ago, just now moved to a different side, because we moved the bed. My goal is to keep it cleaned off other than the DIY jewelry holder and maybe some flowers. I don’t know what it is about that dresser and me, but man I can fill up the top of it within DAYS of it being clean. I hate that!

Looks really nice. The lamps are cute, and different. Did you ever think of knocking down the wall between your bedroom and the other room? You have a real challenge here. The bed looks really nice. You might think of buying another cover, so when a dog throws up on the good one, you have a spare. I have several of the Target Woolrich denim duvet covers. I never put a duvet in them, though. A really inexpensive washable throw would be good for everyday. Can you read in bed easily? I think the world sculpture in the dining room might look good over the bed. Do you have to have that door to the left of the bed? Maybe someday you could hang a big curtain across the whole wall. That sofa in the other room would look good with a drop cloth slipcover. What is the reason that you are fixing up everything. You hinted at something last month? Great job. Ann
Adri, it looks beautiful! So fresh and so clean! You guys did a great job! I like Ann’s idea about knocking down the wall and making your room that much bigger, that’d be awesome! ๐
Love the fresh new look Adri. Nothing feels better than to have a nice clean room! And that room off of your bedroom seriously needs to be a baby’s room!!! ( one day) it’s sort of perfect! That way baby is near but then you can keep the extra bedrooms you have in the house! Genius.
I seriously believe you can do anything. SO impressed. xoxo
Beautiful! I have a very similar dresser but not as wide. The posts holding up the mirror and the legs are exactly the same as mine. Have you put a DIY post on the paint finish you did? I’ve been wanting to paint mine for a while but didn’t know how it would look after. After seeing yours, I’m totally doing it!
that looks fantastic!!! I LOVE the DIY pillows too! What is that other room… didn’t even know that existe!!!!!!! Can’t wait to see it. ๐
I was really rooting for you to win the VR Room Makeover but I have to say what YOU have done looks GREAT! I agree with the others; very fresh and clean.
I could make good use of a room like the one you have attached to your bedroom. I would sit on that sofa and blog all night whilst hubby slumbers ๐
Thank you for sharing your work ๐
Looks SO good!!
Awesome. I have just been all through your blog, you inspire me!
Every flat surface in my home wages that losing battle with me as well. I am SUCH a “setter downer” rather than a “putter awayer.”
Also – I would make that room a “dressing room” big old closet spot faster than you could bat an eye. Or maybe my craft room. . . .
Yay! Im so glad yall love the room!!
Ann-We would love to knock down that wall, but it is an old outside wall, so it would be a HUGE project that were not willing to do at this point. I can read easily, but normally I go to bed after J so I just read out on the couch. The driftwood art would look cool there, but we realllly love where it is for now:) Good idea though. The door is the door to our room, so must stay! Thanks for all of your input.
Angy- seriously, have I told you that you are the best:) And yes, we would love that, but just not able to do it for now.
Jess- weve thought about that. The ONLY thing that makes me not want to do that is what about the nights {once the baby is a little older} and I need to let it cry it out, would J and I be stuck in that same room while the crying goes on. Maybe we can talk about this soon:)
Chelsea- thanks so much!! Not true, but we try:)
CC- so fun! And you know what, that was actually how I bought it at the estate sale. I really love the color, so it worked out well. We prob. would use a paint sprayer and some wax and stain to shabby it up if we had done it ourselves. GL!
Ashley- Thanks love! That other room is random is what it is! We dont know what the heck we are going to do with it, so its just kind of on hold for now until other bigger more important projects are done.
Rachael- Thank you:0
Liz- wow thank you so much!! Hopefully we can continue to inspire you:)
Rogue- I KNOW! I am a total setter downer, ugh! Thanks for the ideas, were still up in the air!
Hi – personally, I would add a splash of colour – perhaps by placing a couple or more of coloured cushions on your bed – you obviously like blue and yellow as in the vase of flowers on your dresser – perhaps something in these colours – I just think it looks a little ‘bland’ and the pop of colour would ‘liven’ the room up a little and make it look more ‘cosier’ – just a thought ๐
Thanks Denise!! We actually have all the homes staged, so when the new owners move in it is all their own furniture! Love the input though.